Online Safety

We place high value on the opportunities for learning that the internet provides. We also recognise the importance of online safety, keeping children safe whilst developing their responsible use.

Online safety sessions are taught within the Computing curriculum from Reception to Year 6 and also within the PSHE curriculum, both of which aims to help children become more responsible. However online safety is not exclusive to these sessions. It is vital that our school’s Digital Community (children, families, school staff, Governors and other schools we may interact with) recognise the need for continuous learning about safe use of online systems. This inevitably means children will make occasional mistakes and poor choices. It is our responsibility as a Digital Community to help turn these isolated issues into learning opportunities which will support children making better choices and fewer mistakes in the future.

We do not see online safety as simply a technology-based issue. Technology provides the vehicle within which issues occur however it is primarily (but not solely) the behaviours that are associated with incidents of online safety that need to be addressed. Therefore references to online safety run through our Anti Bullying and Behaviour and Social Media policies as well as our Online Safety Policy viewable here.

To support your child’s Online Safety, please visit the site below, which can also be found on Digital Wings.